Conditional Format



i have cell B12 that i want to score through the text if todays date is equal
to or has passed from A12. i know about the conditional formating control but
if i check the date in A12 i want the answer to cause B12 to change?

Thanks in advance

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

If I understand you correctly, you have a date in A12 and want to see if
that date is equal to or prior to today's date and, if so, make the text in
B12 show as "strikethrough". If that is correct, then select B12 and click
Format/ConditionalFormatting on the menu. Change the drop-down to "Formula
Is" and then put this formula in the formula field...


Then click the Format button, select the Font tab and put a check mark in
the Strikethrough box in the Effects section. Finally, OK your way back to
the worksheet.


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