Conditional Format - How to View???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill E
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Bill E

Is there an easy way to view the conditional format for a cell without going
in to 'FORMAT' then 'CONDITIONAL FORMAT' on the tool bar? Someone played
with the conditional format for a number of cells on a spreadsheet, and I
want to audit each cell of a rather large worksheet. I was hoping there was
a way to view each cell more easily. Thanks. -Bill
--Press function key F5 to open the 'Goto' dialog
--Press 'Special' button (left bottom)
--Select 'Conditional Formatting'
will select all cells with conditional formatting

Try this UDF (User Defined function). From workbook launch VBE using
Alt+F11. From menu Insert a Module and paste the below function.Close and get
back to workbook and try the below formula.

If A1 cell is condional formtted; if you want to review the CF formula use
the below formula in cell B1 to return the 1st CF formula


'to return the 2nd CF formula

Function GetCFFormula(rngTemp As Range, intIndex As Integer) As String
If rngTemp.FormatConditions.Count >= intIndex Then
GetCFFormula = rngTemp.FormatConditions(intIndex).Formula1
End If
End Function