Cond Formatting Duplicates

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I have a sub-form (continuous forms) which displays data from an archive
table. I want to be able to highlight the duplicate entries in a different
Ive tried the duplicate query wizard and conditional formatting. Im guessing
some kind of syntax needs to be entered in the conditional formatting box but
im not sure what I need.

Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Ash.
The duplicate query will display all the records that have duplicates, enter
that query and remove the criteria >1.
Now you'll have a list of the fields with the CountField (1 or 2 or 3 ..)

In the record source of the form, join the above query with the table, so
you have a select statement

Select QueryName.CountField, TableName.* From QueryName Inner join TableName
On QueryName.FieldName = TableName.FieldName

In the conditional formating, define a format for the count field, >1, and
You can color only one field and not the entire record
One question, you mention the "CountField" are you assuming this would be an
AutoNumber/Unique identifier field?
Also, The record source only displays the duplicates, Is it possible to show
both the duplicates AND the records which do not duplicate? Then only colour
the duplicate ones? Thanks again.
If you created a duplicate query using the wizard, when you open the query in
design view youll see that you have a criteria >1 on the cont field, this
field is the count field.
Remove the criteria, then all the records will be displayed, so you can join
it to the table, and that answer the second question.
Magic........thanks very much :-)

Ashg657 said:
Also, The record source only displays the duplicates, Is it possible to show
both the duplicates AND the records which do not duplicate? Then only colour
the duplicate ones? Thanks again.
Sorry to be a pain.......(again)
In the conditional formatting. Should I be using "Expression Is" or "Field
Value Is" and whats the syntax I should be using to highlight those
Thanks again :-)
In the formatting
First text box you should use "Field Value Is"
Second text box choose "grater then"
Third rext box write 1

On the buttom select the color
This simply isn't working because the field value is always greater than 1
(so it is colouring ALL records). The field I am formatting is a "Account
Number" field, hence checking for more than one of the same account number. I
was assuming this would be my "Count Field", correct me if I am wrong...

Thanks in advance.