OK Folks
Some help please
Scenario: My ISP in the UK has a provided me with a good quality connection 8MB
and a static IP address, though not sure what the uplink is lets say 512k I
currently use WinXP at both locatiobs but would consider an upgrade to Visata if
I spend a large amount of time on the other side of the world in a country which
does not over actively encourage connections to that outside world
My apartment (in a large tower block) has a good quality internet connection
although many overseas addresses are blocked. I currently can use both Skype and
my WiFi based Internet radio but quality of the connections can often be very
poor even though general access for internet browsing and downloads is OK.
I assume that this is because there is either no QOS on the facilities main
router or it has not been configured i.e. those ports providing VOIP and
streaming media (whichever they are) have not be prioritised. I am unable to
request that this be corrected
To complicate things I access both Skype using a Netgear SPH101 handset and
Internet Radio using an Acoustic Energy AEWF1 via Wifi using my small D-Link
As I said general connection rates are good but at times when other users in the
apartment block are up and about and I assume accessing the same systems,
bandwidth falls dramatically with the radio continuously re-buffering and Skype
whilst less affected has connection problems at the same time general internet
browsing and downloading remains OK
The solution to me would be to somehow route Skype and Internet radio traffic
via my UK connection (I currently often connect using the Go2MyPC facility
www.go2mypc.com without problems) whilst maintaining general access for
downloads, email and browser access using the local DSL connection .
Ridiculously complicated I know and probably totally impossible
Or is it………………………
Any comments or suggestions much appreciated
Some help please
Scenario: My ISP in the UK has a provided me with a good quality connection 8MB
and a static IP address, though not sure what the uplink is lets say 512k I
currently use WinXP at both locatiobs but would consider an upgrade to Visata if
I spend a large amount of time on the other side of the world in a country which
does not over actively encourage connections to that outside world
My apartment (in a large tower block) has a good quality internet connection
although many overseas addresses are blocked. I currently can use both Skype and
my WiFi based Internet radio but quality of the connections can often be very
poor even though general access for internet browsing and downloads is OK.
I assume that this is because there is either no QOS on the facilities main
router or it has not been configured i.e. those ports providing VOIP and
streaming media (whichever they are) have not be prioritised. I am unable to
request that this be corrected
To complicate things I access both Skype using a Netgear SPH101 handset and
Internet Radio using an Acoustic Energy AEWF1 via Wifi using my small D-Link
As I said general connection rates are good but at times when other users in the
apartment block are up and about and I assume accessing the same systems,
bandwidth falls dramatically with the radio continuously re-buffering and Skype
whilst less affected has connection problems at the same time general internet
browsing and downloading remains OK
The solution to me would be to somehow route Skype and Internet radio traffic
via my UK connection (I currently often connect using the Go2MyPC facility
www.go2mypc.com without problems) whilst maintaining general access for
downloads, email and browser access using the local DSL connection .
Ridiculously complicated I know and probably totally impossible
Or is it………………………
Any comments or suggestions much appreciated