Sami said:
I have an email address which I only use for eBay and Paypal.
I recently ordered some goods online from a UK based company (they also have
an eBay site), which required payment by Paypal. The transaction was
completed, involving, of course, that particular email address.
Since then, it's been nothing but spam galore, some of the emails being
addressed 'from' and to my address... can anybody enlightened me as to
what's happened here? How can bots and harvesters obtain an email address
from what I thought was a secure transaction?
(Please excuse my naviety! Hope this isn't too OT))
When you received an e-mail from that seller, did you receive it in an
e-mail client or did you see it in the Messages section of your eBay
account when you used a web browser to access your account up on the
If you received e-mail from the seller in a local e-mail client then
perhaps you replied to that sender. That means they got the e-mail
address that was specified in the e-mail account you used for replying
from your e-mail client. When you get those eBay e-mails, there is a
link (that looks like a button) that you click to reply. This opens
your web browser whereupon you log into your eBay account and use THEIR
message center to send your e-mails (there might also be a checkbox to
NOT show your e-mail address to the seller).
You do NOT want to reply using your e-mail client. The sender sent a
message to an eBay user involved in the transaction which they are
permitted to do. They probably sent it using the Messages feature of
their eBay account (when using a web browser to access their eBay
account). If you had replied to them also using the Messages feature of
eBay then your e-mail address would have remained private. However, if
you reply to the e-mail using your own local e-mail client then the
seller sees all the same information in your e-mails as would any other
recipient of e-mails sent by your local e-mail client.
If you want to hide, use eBay's Messages feature to reply to e-mails.
That is, log into your eBay account and check your messages there, and
reply to there from there. As I recall, there is a checkbox in the web
form (when using eBay's Messages) to hide your e-mail address. Make
sure it is selected so you don't reveal the e-mail that you recorded in
your eBay account.
Since you only use and divulge a unique e-mail address for your eBay
account then you probably know who caused the spamming. However, eBay
won't know because they cannot determine that you never divulged your
e-mail address to some other party in a prior auction. Just because the
spamming started now doesn't prove it was caused by a particular person
you dealt with at eBay. Spam comes and goes. When you received spam
before, was it then because the moon was full or due to some planetary
So what does your e-mail address look like? Is it something like
<myname>@<domain>? Well, anyone can attack that account with spam.
It's a simple dictionary lookup to pile together various first and last
names to construct a username, and domains are public information plus
you are probably using a popular and often spammed one. An e-mail
address like (e-mail address removed) could be targeted by using w and e
initials and appending the lastname kirch. The spambots are not likely
to attack an e-mail address of (e-mail address removed) (but then
its not a username that you or others will easily remember, either). If
you are going to create a unique e-mail address for use by just entity
or for just one purpose then don't use a username that is easily
compiled by slapping together initials, names, and just add a number or
two at the end.
That you just participated in an eBay transaction and now start getting
more spam than you did before is not proof that the spam was instigated
by the other party in the recent auction. Spam happens. It happens at
irregular intervals. Changing your eBay userID would result in losing
any accumulated feedback (reputation) but you should be able to change
your e-mail address in your eBay account (as long as there are no
pending transactions).