Bernie Yaeger
I know I'm not getting this clearly: I set up a delegate to execute a
method. I've done this with no problem re validating methods. For example:
I set up the delegate like this:
Delegate Sub callm_dropdown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
Dim delegd As callm_dropdown
Then I call it, say in a click event of a button:
Dim sender_ As System.Object
Dim e_ As System.EventArgs
delegd = AddressOf ComboBox1_DropDown
delegd.Invoke(sender_, e_)
Now it has the correct signature, so it calls the control's dropdown event.
But I want the delegate to FIRE the dropdown event. Is there a way to use a
delegate not only to execute the dropdown method but rather to FIRE it? In
this case, the combobox does not drop; it only executes the dropdown method.
Is there a different way to get an event to fire in code? That's what I am
really after. Say, click the button and the combobox drops down.
Thanks for any help.
Bernie Yaeger
method. I've done this with no problem re validating methods. For example:
I set up the delegate like this:
Delegate Sub callm_dropdown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
Dim delegd As callm_dropdown
Then I call it, say in a click event of a button:
Dim sender_ As System.Object
Dim e_ As System.EventArgs
delegd = AddressOf ComboBox1_DropDown
delegd.Invoke(sender_, e_)
Now it has the correct signature, so it calls the control's dropdown event.
But I want the delegate to FIRE the dropdown event. Is there a way to use a
delegate not only to execute the dropdown method but rather to FIRE it? In
this case, the combobox does not drop; it only executes the dropdown method.
Is there a different way to get an event to fire in code? That's what I am
really after. Say, click the button and the combobox drops down.
Thanks for any help.
Bernie Yaeger