Concentric Circles

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rick
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How do you make circles within circles in power point
when you want words in each of the circles. This is
probably a newbie question. Please help. Thanks.
I think I would create the text as separate objects using WordArt, which would
allow me to curve the text and also freely place it in the circle to ensure that
it is visible.
To make circles that share the same center point, use the Alignment tool in
the draw menu.

Select all the circles (it may help to arrange them in order from largest in
the back to smallest in the front before centering them) and select 'Draw'
(usually lower left corner of screen), then 'Align or distribute', then
'Align Center'. Repeat for 'Align Middle'.

This will center all your circles exactly. However, Sonia's suggestion of
WordArt is probably better for your purpose, since the concentric circles do
not leave much room for text.

Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.
Apart from Sonia's and Bill's suggestions, you could use a regular drawing
program like CorelDRAW, Illustrator or Freehand and then bring the graphic
into PowerPoint.

For a while, Microsoft is giving away Expression free - which is a great

Microsoft Expression -

Geetesh Bajaj, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
PowerPoint Notes:
Free Templates:

Technical Specialist, PowerPoint Live
Hi Geetesh,
Is the download available to all for free? The site mentions, ' a free
download version is available to *existing* users of the product for either
Microsoft Windows or Mac OS.'
It lies. It's a "Preview" copy, also referred to someplace as a Beta version,
and does not require a prior version.
Well, it never asks you anything else apart from that and everyone knows
that they have a splash screen that says Preview - Not for sale! <g>

When they provided only the Mac version of the download, they did not even
mention that - now with the Windows version, they probably decided to change
the rules.

Geetesh Bajaj, Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
PowerPoint Notes:
Free Templates:

Technical Specialist, PowerPoint Live
Sonia, if you have Expression installed, try out this amazing stuff as per
Annie Ford's post in the Expression newsgroup. It's fun!

Hi All,

For those of you who are new to Expression, you probably don't know about
Expression's secret. This is fun ... try it.

This works best on an image that doesn't have a lot of layers. If you don't
have an image you've made yourself, the red-cat.xpr file in Expression's
Samples directory works well.

Ok, here's the secret. Launch Expression and open a new document. Press the
Ctrl-Shirt-P key combination and you will get a dialog box asking you to
choose a document (Notice that the dialog box says "Choose an XPR File to
Playback"). Navigate to your document or to C:\Program Files\Expression
3\Samples\red-cat.xpr and click the OK button. Nothing will appear to

Next, click the "`" key on your keyboard (backward single quote; it's the
Tilde key to the left of the number 1 key). Because one of the layers on the
red-cat.xpr file is locked, you'll get a dialog box asking you to name a new
layer. Click the cancel button to dismiss the dialog box and watch what

Have fun ...