I have a query that returns the following fields - First_Name, MI, Last_Name,Suffix, Address_1, Address_2, Address_3, as well as others
I want to concatenate the name fields and address fields. I created an IF statement that look like is should work but its not. Now there may not be data in several of the fields. When I use my IF I get syntax, oerpand errors. I since have made 3 of the 4 name fields required entry, but that leaves the address fields. What I want is that if Add_3 is null give me Add_1, Add_2, If Add_2 is null I just want Add_1, ia all three have valuse I want all three. I hope this is clear. For the life of me I can't figure out where I'm going wrong. Please help, this is urgent
I want to concatenate the name fields and address fields. I created an IF statement that look like is should work but its not. Now there may not be data in several of the fields. When I use my IF I get syntax, oerpand errors. I since have made 3 of the 4 name fields required entry, but that leaves the address fields. What I want is that if Add_3 is null give me Add_1, Add_2, If Add_2 is null I just want Add_1, ia all three have valuse I want all three. I hope this is clear. For the life of me I can't figure out where I'm going wrong. Please help, this is urgent