concatenating multiple rows into a single row

  • Thread starter Thread starter ssheth
  • Start date Start date


I am using Excel 2007. My data consists of rows with identical information
except for date values. I want to concatenate the rows into a single row so
that I can see, along with the other information, the date values in the
single row. Here is an example:

MemberID DataDate
16 6/18/2009
16 3/26/2009

Here is the desired format:

Member ID DataDate1 DataDate2
16 3/26/2009 6/18/2009

Is this possible with Excel '07?
Here's one simple formulas model which should deliver it (irrespective
version) ..

Assume source data as posted running in A2:B2 down in Sheet1
Assume your MemberIDs are real numbers from 1 to 20 (say)

In Sheet1,
In F2: =IF($A2="","",IF($A2=COLUMNS($A:A),ROW(),""))
Copy F2 across by 20 cols to Y2 (since you have 20 MemberIDs), then fill
down as
far as required to cover the max expected extent of source data in cols A
and B, say down to Y100?

In Sheet2,
You have the MemberIDs 1-20 running in A2 down
In B2
Copy B2 across & fill down as far as required to return the desired results,
all neatly packed to the left. Format as dates to taste.

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