Hi Gord
Few points on the UDF
--Entries in sequence like orange, range will be considered as duplicates
which should be considered as different entries.
--To trim the first character off you can use mid(ConcatNonDups,2) instead of
Left(ConcatNonDups, Len(ConcatNonDups) - 1)
and few points on the below UDF
--Default delimiter would be space unless specified
--By default blanks will be considered. The below would ignore blanks
--By default duplicates will be combined. The below would avoid duplicates
and blanks
Function CONCATRANGE(rngRange As Range, _
Optional strDelimiter As String = " ", _
Optional blnAvoidBlank As Boolean = False, _
Optional blnAvoidDuplicates As Boolean = False)
Dim varTemp As Range, blnPass As Boolean
For Each varTemp In rngRange
blnPass = True
If blnAvoidBlank And Trim(varTemp) = vbNullString Then blnPass = False
If blnAvoidDuplicates Then
If InStr(1, CONCATRANGE & strDelimiter, strDelimiter & _
varTemp & strDelimiter, vbTextCompare) Then blnPass = False
End If
If blnPass Then CONCATRANGE = CONCATRANGE & strDelimiter & varTemp
End Function
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