concatenate names from table?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Troy
  • Start date Start date


Hello, I am having trouble getting this to work. One on
form I want to be able to add employee's names. I have a
field for last name and one for first name. I want this
to write to a table. On another form I would like to be
able to use a combo box so when the employee fills out a
work order he or she can choose their name from the
list. The info from this form should write to another


Hello, I am having trouble getting this to work. One on
form I want to be able to add employee's names. I have a
field for last name and one for first name. I want this
to write to a table. On another form I would like to be
able to use a combo box so when the employee fills out a
work order he or she can choose their name from the
list. The info from this form should write to another

The employee's name *SHOULD NOT* be written to any other table.
Storing this data redundantly is neither necessary (you can always use
a Query to link to the employee table to find it) nor wise (if David
Smith converts to Islam and changes his name to Ali Mohammad you'll
have to track down all the places his name is stored and change them,
instead of just changing it once).

If you want the combo to store a unique EmployeeID and display "David
Smith" just base the Combo on a Query:

SELECT EmployeeID, [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] AS EmpName
FROM Employees
ORDER BY FirstName, LastName;