Anonymous Bob
And it's back in a surprising manner...from Sears.
Bob Vanderveen
Bob Vanderveen
Anonymous Bob said:And it's back in a surprising manner...from Sears.
http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080102-sears-come-see-the-softer-side-of-spyware.htmlAnonymous Bob said:I'm glad to see this is getting some attention:
Anonymous Bob said:
Ron H said:Bob, And what really surprises me even more was that people who only
read about what Sears was installing and don't have this on their computer
yet, were going to Mange x My x Home x . com and just entering their
names and addresses to see what shows up on their names. After finding
out that the site tells you everything that you've purchased going back
more than twenty years and what your neighbor purchased for the same
as easy as a last name and an address NOW probably had something
installed on THEIR computers. And with the information this scumware
is stealing i would think their getting more than just a tracking cookie
for their visit.
This is from a post of one of the links and is an understatement:
Seriously, though, the potential for abuse of this is more than you think.
Sorry Bob for nothing sooner but i knew nothing of the Malware
names you mentioned. Ron
Ron H said:Anonymous Bob, Just as you posted this the same day i bumped onto
something called NetPal, The same stuff ?
Anonymous Bob said:Don't feel bad about not knowing comScore, that's new to me as well, but I
think I became aware of NetSetter and MarketScore in these newsgroups years
ago. ComScore likens themselves to the Nielson tv rating service, but
Nielson doesn't gain access to your emails, financial accounts, or health
concerns. This stuff is pure evil and a name change changes nothing. I'm
glad to see CA is detecting it. We'll have to see how other companies treat
Anonymous Bob said:Oops! I see Microsoft is on their client list:
I would be surprised if Windows Defender detects or removes it. Damn!
Anonymous Bob said:Here's one connection between comScore and Microsoft:
Daily)Ron H said:Bob, Of course the ComScore url is flagged red by SiteAdvisor so i think
even a mistake of clicking on anything on that site your risking a drive-by
download from ComScore ? While i don't think anything is going to happen
by clicking on that link to take a look of who is using ComScore, i wouldn't
dare click on anything else on that site. I don't feel good about that
link. Ron
BTW, I visit many of those names on that list regularly (Verizon
Ron H said:I was going to show YOU that link this morning, i thought it was funny
that the link in the middle of the page is Microsoft's Antispyware Beta
being released. I keep going to search and looking for the different
names of this garbage that it uses to see if any other forms of it are
residing in my computer.