I want to draw in a System.Drawing.Bitmap and then represent this bitmap with a
System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox. The PixelFormat of the bitmap should be compatibl
with the adjustment in the Computer-Control-Panel, because I think, that this guarantees best performance
In Non-DotNet-Software we have the Win32-API functions CreateCompatibleDC and
With DotNet, how can I get the current pixel format of the computer, to create a compatible System.Drawing.Bitmap
The Win32-function GetDeviceCaps(HDC,BITSPIXELS) returns an integer, (16 for example), but with thi
information I can't distinguish between PixelFormat::Format16bppRgb555 and PixelFormat::Format16bppRgb565 for example
I want to draw in a System.Drawing.Bitmap and then represent this bitmap with a
System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox. The PixelFormat of the bitmap should be compatibl
with the adjustment in the Computer-Control-Panel, because I think, that this guarantees best performance
In Non-DotNet-Software we have the Win32-API functions CreateCompatibleDC and
With DotNet, how can I get the current pixel format of the computer, to create a compatible System.Drawing.Bitmap
The Win32-function GetDeviceCaps(HDC,BITSPIXELS) returns an integer, (16 for example), but with thi
information I can't distinguish between PixelFormat::Format16bppRgb555 and PixelFormat::Format16bppRgb565 for example