Are you talking about the Microsoft Windows Security
Update 823980 download?...or are you saying that you just
ran an anti-virus scan? Your anti-virus Program might not
be up to date to detect this fairly new virus/worm! If
you have the worm go to your Anti-Virus Program's web
site, they should be able to help you get rid of the worm
from your computer.You still need the update patch from
Microsoft though, so you don't get re-infected! Most
Windows operating systems need "Security Update for
Windows XP 823980", depending on what type of Windows you
have you may first need to upgrade to the latest service
pack before installing the 823980 update.
To see if you have the above update installed: left
click Start/left click Control Panel/double left click
Add or Remove Programs/on the left, left click Change or
Remove Programs/upper right, select to sort by
Name/scroll down to "w" for Windows(XP) and see if any of
your Windows(XP)installed programs contain the #
823980...if not, then you do NOT have the above upgrade!
To scan your computer to see what updates you need click
on "Microsoft Windows Updates" at this Microsoft site:;EN-
For more info. on the worm try this Microsoft link:
Hope this can help you out, Mist