My home-built PC has worked fine for a year, but now it won't power on.
There is a red light on the motherboard which i assume means it is
getting power.
I bought a brand new power supply and still the thing won't turn on.
The fans would spin and the hard drive would churn the first few times
i tried turning it on, but now nothing happens, other than the red
light on the motherboard.
I'm using an 24 pin connector with the additional 4 pin connector and
both are plugged in.
I reset my CMOS with the jumper and pulled the battery, but still
nothing powers up.
I tried wiring the reset button to the power on the mobo because i
thought maybe the wires to the power button were faulty, but that
didn't help.
NOTE: My old power supply has things rattling around in it and has a
burnt smell.
Could my orginal PSU have fried my mobo?
Would it have fried the Chip too?
Could the battery on my mobo be dead? I ran a mutli-meter on it and it
gave a reading of 3 volts.
Thanks for your help.
There is a red light on the motherboard which i assume means it is
getting power.
I bought a brand new power supply and still the thing won't turn on.
The fans would spin and the hard drive would churn the first few times
i tried turning it on, but now nothing happens, other than the red
light on the motherboard.
I'm using an 24 pin connector with the additional 4 pin connector and
both are plugged in.
I reset my CMOS with the jumper and pulled the battery, but still
nothing powers up.
I tried wiring the reset button to the power on the mobo because i
thought maybe the wires to the power button were faulty, but that
didn't help.
NOTE: My old power supply has things rattling around in it and has a
burnt smell.
Could my orginal PSU have fried my mobo?
Would it have fried the Chip too?
Could the battery on my mobo be dead? I ran a mutli-meter on it and it
gave a reading of 3 volts.
Thanks for your help.