Computer Won't Start After Shutdown

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For Almost 3 Weeks Now And Getting Worse, When I Shutdown My Computer At
night And In The Morning When I Turn It On, Is Extremely Difficult To Get My
Computer To Start Up, I've Tried Unplugging Electrical Cords SEveral
Times,Waiting Awhile, It takes About An Hour And Half To get it to finally
Turn On, When it Finally Turns On,It Boots Up Perfectly As Always, This
Problem Has Been Happening Lately Only When I Start It Up in the morning, I
Don't think it is the motherboard as If it we're then the computer wouldn't
start up at all, I'm thinking maybe the Power Source Or The Switch, Maybe
someone can tell me how to find the problem without having to take it in to A
computer Person
The first thing I would suspect would be: Power Bar.........are you using
one?..if yes replace it
Power Supply
Unit............replace it
connection from PSU to mother board.check to see if it is loose
any error beeps??
What exactly does happen when you push that little power button on the front
of the computer?? the switch could be shot

Webamericas said:
For Almost 3 Weeks Now And Getting Worse, When I Shutdown My Computer
At night And In The Morning When I Turn It On, Is Extremely Difficult
To Get My Computer To Start Up, I've Tried Unplugging Electrical Cords
SEveral Times,Waiting Awhile, It takes About An Hour And Half To get
it to finally Turn On, When it Finally Turns On,It Boots Up Perfectly
As Always, This Problem Has Been Happening Lately Only When I Start It
Up in the morning, I Don't think it is the motherboard as If it we're
then the computer wouldn't start up at all, I'm thinking maybe the
Power Source Or The Switch, Maybe someone can tell me how to find the
problem without having to take it in to A computer Person

It is probably the power supply. Swap it out with a known-working one.
If you need more help, please post back; however, please do not
capitalize every letter since that makes your post very hard to read.

Thank You For The Quick Answer, A Few Answers That You requested Or Questions:

What Is A Powerbar?

Their Are No error messages At All!

When I Push The power Button On My PC, Nothing Happens Most of the time,When
nothing happens I Usually try unplugging cords And waiting A Bit ,Fiddling
withthings and plugging the cords back in, Usually takes about an hour or
more to get it to turn on and then all is ok, sometimes it seems like when I
Push the power button that it almost turns on

I Disconeccted The power Cord From the back of the computer once and plugged
it back in and I Could hear the power or fan start For about one second and
then nothing

so from what you mention it could be the power switch or power supply but
which is the question

Their Are No loose Cables to the motherboard!

How can you test the power switch to know if it's bad

I Have A Compaq 7000Z - 7PLKII

I Have Posted Here Because I Have been unable to get A Reply From Compaq

For Almost 3 Weeks Now And Getting Worse, When I Shutdown My Computer At
night And In The Morning When I Turn It On, Is Extremely Difficult To Get My
Computer To Start Up, I've Tried Unplugging Electrical Cords SEveral
Times,Waiting Awhile, It takes About An Hour And Half To get it to finally
Turn On, When it Finally Turns On,It Boots Up Perfectly As Always, This
Problem Has Been Happening Lately Only When I Start It Up in the morning, I
Don't think it is the motherboard as If it we're then the computer wouldn't
start up at all, I'm thinking maybe the Power Source Or The Switch, Maybe
someone can tell me how to find the problem without having to take it in to A
computer Person

Please use proper capitalization in your sentences. Capitlizing every
few words makes your post very hard on the eyes. I gave up after the
first sentence so I don't even know what the problem is or what you
have done to try and resolve it.

ThIs Is VeRy HaRd To ReAd, IsN't It?
Sounds like the Power Supply Unit needs to be replaced.
You can take it to a repair shop or if you are adventerous try to do it
Shut the computer down and unplug it from the wall.
Use some tape and mark the connections on the leads out of the PSU.
Take the time to see how they plug in and out.....notice the different types
of leads for different types of drives
Pay close attention on how the lead plugs into your motherboard..
then unplug them one by one...........carefully
unscrew the screws on the back of the system that holds the PSU in place.
carefully remove the PSU and take it to a parts store and purchase a new one
Using the old PSU as a template install the new and reconnect the leads.

one has to start somewhere