I'm running an old 450MHz CPU on an Asus P2B motherboard. Up until
today the computer was working fine. I just got back from my Christmas
holiday, during which I left the computer unplugged while I was away -
about 10 days. I also turned off the heating in my place as well - so
the apartment got cold while I was away (I'm in Norway).
When I plugged the computer back into the wall after the holiday (not
having touched anything), I get nothing from it. No glowing LED saying
it's plugged in, and no response when pressing the power/reset
I tried a couple of suggestions from other Google groups posts:
1. Unplugged and replugged the video card.
2. Took out the BIOS battery, cleaned the contacts.
Still no luck.
What I then tried was to just take out the BIOS battery and plug the
computer in. Doing so, all the lights come on at the front (and on the
keyboard), but nothing shows up on the screen and the computer doesn't
start to boot.
Any ideas? Is the problem a result of the battery, or the cold?
Thanks ahead of time for your help.
today the computer was working fine. I just got back from my Christmas
holiday, during which I left the computer unplugged while I was away -
about 10 days. I also turned off the heating in my place as well - so
the apartment got cold while I was away (I'm in Norway).
When I plugged the computer back into the wall after the holiday (not
having touched anything), I get nothing from it. No glowing LED saying
it's plugged in, and no response when pressing the power/reset
I tried a couple of suggestions from other Google groups posts:
1. Unplugged and replugged the video card.
2. Took out the BIOS battery, cleaned the contacts.
Still no luck.
What I then tried was to just take out the BIOS battery and plug the
computer in. Doing so, all the lights come on at the front (and on the
keyboard), but nothing shows up on the screen and the computer doesn't
start to boot.
Any ideas? Is the problem a result of the battery, or the cold?
Thanks ahead of time for your help.