Computer wont boot - CPU is unworkable or has been changed

Aug 12, 2004
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I need urgent help please,

I got my new motherboard yesterday and tried to fit it this morning (i know it is early)

at first it got to the windows logo then cut out, i messed around, tried a dirrerant hard drive, but no luck.

Then i reset the CMOS and loaded BIOS fail-safe defaults. now when i start it i get the error:

'CPU is unworkable or has been changed. Please recheck - CPU SOFT MENU'

does this meen my CPU is dead? it was tested about a week ago, so what is the problem?

any ideas?

I really need this sorted ASAP


clear CMOS then start again.JUMP THE PINS OR REMOVE THE BATTERY leave it for a few seconds then replace the battery or jumper to the origonal posistion.This time enter the set up in BIOS set 1st boot CD disable all the others> install XP >after set up is complete
;) set the bios to 1st boot HDD 2nd CD 3rd floppy enable other seek.;)
Yeah - Pull the "All Clear" Jumper for 10 seconds - (Move from 1+2 to 2+3, then back) or short out the battery connections with a screwdriver.

Note it's usually a good idea to reinstall windows if using a motherboard thats alot different to the old one...
KGB-911 said:
I need urgent help please,

I got my new motherboard yesterday and tried to fit it this morning (i know it is early)

at first it got to the windows logo then cut out, i messed around, tried a dirrerant hard drive, but no luck.

Then i reset the CMOS and loaded BIOS fail-safe defaults. now when i start it i get the error:

'CPU is unworkable or has been changed. Please recheck - CPU SOFT MENU'

does this meen my CPU is dead? it was tested about a week ago, so what is the problem?

any ideas?

I really need this sorted ASAP



KGB of course its early

i cant remember the last time i woke up at 8am!!
i see u wake up early i lot
i wish i could do the same!

u must be a well keen computer enthusiast!!
do let us knw how it goes with the cpu

I needed the computer to work this evening (but it didnt) so i decided to try to fit the mobo before i left at 8:30

Cleared CMOS, I don't want to refomat the HDD, but i will reformat an old 10GB i have lying aroud to see.

I have also flashed the BIOS and nothing.
thanks guys, i formatted the 10GB HDD again and it worked, i am just getting the files onto that then i will format my main drive