Computer Will Not Connect to Internet



I run a Dell Dimension 4100 on a dial up through Bell South at my apartment,
where I live remotely while woking a temorary job. Recently, my computer was
gummed up and I paid to have it cleaned. The OS was reinstalled, as were all
of my saved files. In attempting to access the Internet in the same manner as
before the computer was repaired, I have encountered problems. My connection
through Bell South is established, and I get anywhere between 40 and 50 Mbps
speed readout. However, when I click on Internet Explorer, the homepage
begins to load, and loads to about 40-50% (on the blue bar) and it STOPS. It
will not continue to load. I've waite 10 minutes, and nothing! As I worked
with a number of Bell South's techs, they asked what files were running on
the task list. I read them to him. He said one file "wuauclt.exe" was a
virus. I'm at a loss. Since the computer is connecting, and I'm getting a
reasonably strong signal (the ping test came back 100% 4 out, 4 back in
140ms). I also have Norton 2004 loaded (but I've tried to disable to allow to
load) and Webroot's Spy System (anti-spam and cookie defeater) Can anyone
suggest what the heck is going on and why I can't get uploaded?


In Bob <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I run a Dell Dimension 4100 on a dial up through Bell South at my
apartment, where I live remotely while woking a temorary job.
Recently, my computer was gummed up and I paid to have it cleaned.
The OS was reinstalled, as were all of my saved files. In attempting
to access the Internet in the same manner as before the computer was
repaired, I have encountered problems. My connection through Bell
South is established, and I get anywhere between 40 and 50 Mbps speed
readout. However, when I click on Internet Explorer, the homepage
begins to load, and loads to about 40-50% (on the blue bar) and it
STOPS. It will not continue to load. I've waite 10 minutes, and
nothing! As I worked with a number of Bell South's techs, they asked
what files were running on the task list. I read them to him. He said
one file "wuauclt.exe" was a virus. I'm at a loss. Since the computer
is connecting, and I'm getting a reasonably strong signal (the ping
test came back 100% 4 out, 4 back in 140ms). I also have Norton 2004
loaded (but I've tried to disable to allow to load) and Webroot's Spy
System (anti-spam and cookie defeater) Can anyone suggest what the
heck is going on and why I can't get uploaded?

This might have gone into one of the security or virus groups instead but
I'll TRY to answer as best as I'm able.


From the recovery section:

At the taskbar, click Start|Run. Type 'Regedit' and press Return. The
registry editor opens.
Before you edit the registry, you should make a backup. On the 'Registry'
menu, click 'Export Registry File'. In the 'Export range' panel, click
'All', then save your registry as Backup.

Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE entry:

Microsoft auto update = WUAUCLT.EXE

and delete it if it exists.

Close the registry


Do a search on your PC for wuauclt.exe and delete it then reboot.


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