when I sign off and I put my computer in hibernation, he always "wakes up"
in less than one minute. I see two possible reasons for this problem:
1) my optic mouse is hypersensitive and pics up every little movement
2) my network-modem keeps running on full power and keeps sending signals
towards my computer. These signals cause the "waking up".
Can I configure my computer in a way that he becomes less- or unsesitive for
these signals? Or are there other possible causes for this problem?
Greetings and thanks for your help
when I sign off and I put my computer in hibernation, he always "wakes up"
in less than one minute. I see two possible reasons for this problem:
1) my optic mouse is hypersensitive and pics up every little movement
2) my network-modem keeps running on full power and keeps sending signals
towards my computer. These signals cause the "waking up".
Can I configure my computer in a way that he becomes less- or unsesitive for
these signals? Or are there other possible causes for this problem?
Greetings and thanks for your help