Computer Unresponsive

Feb 2, 2008
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Hi all, great forum, lots of humor in some posts..Glad to have joined.

I need some advice.

I have an HP Pavillion.....spec AMD 6000, 2X seagate 500gb, 3gb, amd radeon pro 256mb

When I leave it on for a few days say downloading torrents it will freeze up...the mouse and everything else locks up.

I chk the event view and it says unexpected shut down.

What could be the potential reason for this problem?
Its winter over here....and even in the summer the rooms air conditioned

For some reason I cannot access SMART stats for my HDDS, whereas I can with another older HP machine I have, so do not know HDD temps. Is everyone here able to access SMART in Vista?

I also thought it was heat, so I found an old computer in my garage and tried to find a fan. The thing had no fan, so I took out the power supply fan and hooked that to my HP. The hard drive cage in the HP is laid out vertically instead of horizontally, and since there is two HDDS in it I had to mount the fan on the HDD cage. The fan is bringin air into the HDDs and is exhausting it out, there is a grill in the front end here too.

All in all one fan in the front, another fan near the card slots, pwr supply fan of course, and the GPU fan. Maybe some keen observer may see something wrong with the circulation due to my adding the fan.

It has shut off with the new fan on too, just today actually. I suppose the only problem I can have with the fan is that it might be taking air out instead of in. I back end of the fan is facing the HDD label, the front end of the fan that has a label is facing the grill.. This makes sense no? Whats wrong
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Adding more fans isn't always the best answer. In actuality adding fans can make an overheating problem worse depending on placement and flow of circulation. Without knowing the EXACT placement of you fans it is hard to say. But just thought I would toss that info out there.
If I were you I would take out all the fans you have put in and just put in a new HSF and possiibly GPU fan.

You may well be preventing air from being extracted if you have fans blowing air all over the place.
Uhh.... just to say, are we sure this is only overheating?
Nope, there are a lot of questions to be answered.

Is there a specific program/process you are running everytime it shuts down?

Is there any other errors in your event viewer other than for the system (ie application, etc)

Does it lock up when you try and download one specific torrent? or just any torrent? Is it only isolated to downloading torrents?

If you just leave the computer on for a few days (and not downloading anything or running anything) does it still lock up?