Note that all interconnected equipment needs to be connected to the
same plug-in suppressor, or interconnecting wires need to go through
the suppressor. External connections, like phone, also need to go
through the suppressor. Connecting all wiring through the suppressor
prevents damaging voltages between power and signal wires . These
multiport suppressors are described in the NIST guide.
Bud promotes for plug-in protector manufacturers. Therefore he will
forget to provide all facts. From his own citation on page 6 (Adobe
page 8 of 24):
You cannot really suppress a surge altogether, nor
"arrest" it. What these protective devices do is
neither suppress nor arrest a surge, but simply
divert it to ground, where it can do no harm. So
a name that makes sense would be "surge diverter"
but it was not picked.
What does Bud's protector divert to? His protector has no dedicated
earthing connection. So what can it divert to? He forgets that hoping
you will have a blond moment. He hope you will assume a protector is
protection - using word association as a replacement for science.
Bud's NIST citation says a protector is nothing more than a diverter
to protection. Protection is earth ground. Effective protectors
(from responsible manufacturers) have a dedicated connection for that
'less than 10 foot' wire to earth. Bud's plug-in protectors have no
such earthing wire.
Bud's plug-in protectors don't even claim to provide protection.
View that yourself. Get its numerical spec sheet. It does not list
each type of surge and protection from that surge for very good
reason. It does not claim to protect from destructive surges because
it does not have that earthing connection. Bud forgets all this to
promote a device that installs some $0.10 parts into a $3.50 box
selling for $25 or $100. Where is the 'magic' in that box? Its has a
magical profit margin; does not even claim to provide protection.
View that profit margin. Why would he say anything but half facts?
Right there on page 8 is what the protector does. How does a plug-in
protector earth when it does not have that dedicated earthing wire? It
does not. Bud hopes you will not notice.
All this is detailed in that longer post. Bud's myth are promoted
by telling half truths. Even right there in his own document: Page
6 (Adobe page 8) says a protector works by diverting the surge to
earth ground. Where is the dedicated earthing wire that is found on
effective protectors? It does not exist on plug-in protector with a
massive profit margin. Bud's ineffective protectors have no earthing
wire - are not from those manufacturers with highly regarded
Notice how many times additonal facts were 'forgotten' by Bud;
including quotes from his own citation.