The said:
I'm not your brother.
I hate to correct spelling, but that's very funny. "Symantec" is the name of
a company. The word you're looking for is "semantics."
I purposefully left out the
burn in issue as well as overlooking the fact that tube monitors
actually benefited from screen savers and on and on and on. You see I
try to make my point in as little time as necessary. Fact: Screen
savers are a waste of time
Wrong, as I pointed out.
and as far as anyone looking at some
confidential file that maybe on the monitor, it takes no time at all
to move a mouse and activate the screen.
I'm talking about an office situation where someone walks past a cubicle and
can see what's on the screen without doing anything. He makes no effort and
he doesn't have to even walk into the cubicle. Walking into someone else's
cubicle to move a mouse or press a key is visible to others and can readily
be seen as intrusive. Many people who are not willing to walk in have no
problem looking in.
You may believe it or not, as you choose. The fact is that screen savers are
widely used for this purpose.
In that case why not simply
turn the monitor off? Note that I made reference to the fact that I
was recommending this for a stand alone home computer system. But I
guessed you missed that part.
No, I didn't miss it, because you said nothing of the kind.Your entire
original post to which I responded follows below. It doesn't mention the
words "stand alone home computer system," nor does anything in what you
wrote even imply it.
"A couple of ways of getting at this and it also depends on your personal
choices. With the advent of Flat Screen Monitors and even the old bulky
monitors, Screensavers are becoming a waste of time and serve no technical
function. They're really only there, now, for the holdovers who insist on
setting up a pretty rotating ball or some other equally mundand
when they aren't actively using they're systems. So this is how my system is
set up. either right click the desktop and then choose
tab\Screensaver setting section click the drop down list arrow and select
"None" and then click the "Power" button down the bottom and then in all
three drop down lists set it to Never\Never\Never. Now I must point out that
I never leave my system on unless I have it doing something or I'm doing
something. I never use task scheduler and I never auto update anything. I
control my system not the other way around. So it does what I want, when I
want and how I want. TTFN.."