Screen shot looks perfect. It comes from the memory image of what's
displayed, so the problem is not software.
It may be your monitor has a fault or has just come out of correct
adjustment. First, I would check it's settings using the controls on the
monitor - especiall any labeled RGB, and also Color Temperature.
If that doesn't correct the problem, borrow another monitor and connect it
to your PC. If the problem persists, I would suspect the video card.
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"Jay Loewy" <> wrote ...
i was out snowboarding with my friends today and when i got home my dad told
me he was on the computer and whil ehe was sending emails the whole screen
just tinted a shade of yellow. So wheni got home i tried for about an hour
looking through all the helps and things and couldnt figure it out. So if
you dont understand what im tlaking about look at a screen shot here ...
http://jayloewy.bravehost.com/untitled.JPG ive tried evwerythign i can
think of. Please if you have any idea just tell me