Alberto & Silvia
Hello there,I have been experiencing long delays opening IE or OE every time
after the computer goes into the Screen Saver mode,I am talking about more
than half a minute.
This was not happening a few months ago,is there anything I can do to speed
up this process?
Dell,1.9 Ghz,512 RAM ,160 GB HD,IE6,cable high speed internet connection
To listen to International Music click here:
Para escuchar Música Internacional click aqui:
"First they told us the world was flat. Then they told us it was round. Now
they are telling us it isn't even there!"
"Primero nos dijeron que la tierra era plana.Entonces que era redonda,y
ahora nos dicen que ni siquiera esta ahi !"
after the computer goes into the Screen Saver mode,I am talking about more
than half a minute.
This was not happening a few months ago,is there anything I can do to speed
up this process?
Dell,1.9 Ghz,512 RAM ,160 GB HD,IE6,cable high speed internet connection
To listen to International Music click here:
Para escuchar Música Internacional click aqui:
"First they told us the world was flat. Then they told us it was round. Now
they are telling us it isn't even there!"
"Primero nos dijeron que la tierra era plana.Entonces que era redonda,y
ahora nos dicen que ni siquiera esta ahi !"