computer suddenly restarting

Jun 6, 2007
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I am hoping that someone may have some suggestions to help me. About a month and a half ago, my computer started just rebooting itself with no warning. It doesn't seem to matter what I am doing. It happens at any time, no particular program running, etc. I have found that if I just don't turn it off, it does not happen as often. However, the lovely Microsoft updates will periodically require a reboot and just has its way with my machine and reboots it. AFter this happens, the evil rebooting behavior begins again for a day or so and then stops. I cannot tell you how much work that I have had to redo because of this weirdness.
Also, concurrent with this behavior, windows will periodically hang when switching from one user to another and then I have to manually reboot to get anything to happen. Any ideas? Anyone? Thanks

I am using Windows XP Professional v2002 sp2
I have not installed any new programs for months and I am using Norton
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