Computer Spontaneously Shuts Down!!



..... while I am in the middle of something benign like replying to an email.
Once it happened on a web based email (Yahoo) & the other happened on my OE.
It's happened other times too, like when I was about to play a streaming
video. Please, does anyone have ANY suggestions, help, or ideas?? In
laymans terms, if possible, please. (I run WinXP Home Edition .. pc is a
few years old & this problem is a new one for it)


Dennis Davis [msft]


I experienced something similar to this last year. In my case it turned out
to be that I had a bad stick of memory in the machine. The only reliable
way I have of testing memory is to swap the current one with a good known
memory module. There are programs out there that will test memory for you
but I never had any luck with them.

If you don't access to more memory you can just do a Google search on
'memory testers' and this should give you some sites that offer downloadable
programs to test your memory.

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