computer sid

  • Thread starter Thread starter ilona
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Hi All,
can I, given IP address or MAC address, find SID of the computer without
going to AD scan results? Is it a registry key somewhere. I googled and saw
that computer SID is supposed to be in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY\SAM\Domains\Account. However on my WindowsXP SP2
sections and Security is blank and SAM only has reg_sz property - nothing
for Domains\Account

My box is joint to a domain and AD query does return a SID for my computer.

Where can I find a matching computer SID in Registry????? Is there the same
place in Registry for SID on different versions of Windows or does it vary?

I am trying to tie together corresponding results of NMAP scan and AD scan
of the computers on the network - I am thinking that if I get IP and SID
from NMAP I could query the computer registry for its SID and tie the
results up by SID. Is there a better way?
Hi All,
can I, given IP address or MAC address, find SID of the computer
without going to AD scan results? Is it a registry key somewhere.
I googled and saw that computer SID is supposed to be in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY\SAM\Domains\Account. However on my
WindowsXP SP2 box, there is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY and
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM sections and Security is blank and SAM only
has reg_sz property - nothing for Domains\Account

My box is joint to a domain and AD query does return a SID for my

Where can I find a matching computer SID in Registry????? Is there
the same place in Registry for SID on different versions of
Windows or does it vary?

I am trying to tie together corresponding results of NMAP scan and
AD scan of the computers on the network - I am thinking that if I
get IP and SID from NMAP I could query the computer registry for
its SID and tie the results up by SID. Is there a better way?

You can try the "psGetSid" program...
