computer shutting down

  • Thread starter Thread starter dudesickel
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Im having trouble with my computer shutting down even
though I have no virus Sometime I can be on it two hours
and sometime not even an hour Could you shed some light
on this subject for me Your responce will be greatly
appreciated. Thank you
Hey just to follow this up, I am now having this problem.
A "friend" on MSN has had the problem of her PC rebooting
every 20 minutes for a few weeks, and last night she
started to boast that it was now happening to all her MSN
mate's PCs too... I was just starting to have a go at her
for being so irresponsible about it, when my PC rebooted.

It didn't reboot again last night, but my internet
connection drops every hour or so, for no apparanet
reason. I have run Norton Antivirus 2004, fully updated,
and run a spyware detector, and found nothing that looks
suspicious. Could this be a new virus that no-ones found