computer shuts down?



My computer closes down after about 10 minutes. the screen saver kicks in and
then after about 10 minutes it closes down? I cant seem to work out why or
where to fix it i want the screen to stay on so I can go stright into
programmes. please help.

Will Denny


Do you see any error messages just before the shutdown? What happens if you
don't use a screensaver?


jewels said:
My computer closes down after about 10 minutes. the screen saver kicks in and
then after about 10 minutes it closes down? I cant seem to work out why or
where to fix it i want the screen to stay on so I can go stright into
programmes. please help.
1.Go to the screen saver page and go into power menagement to turn it
2.Reinstall your computer to resolve everything................

André Cruz


Go to Start-Control Panel-Power Options and under Power Schemes you many
options, so you can change into different schemes or even create your own
just click in the down arrow at "Turn Off monitor:", "Turn off hard disk:"
and "System Standby", you may want to check what you got in the "Advance"
and "Hibernate" sections...

Rick S.

There goes another WORTHLESS suggestion.........
Ben, How do you "Reinstall a computer"?????
Get out of this newsgroup with your WORTHLESS, SPACE OCCUPYING REPLIES !!

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