computer shuts down while on the net



After i have been on the internet for about two mins. my computer shts down with the message.
NT AUTHORITY\ SYSTEM is closing down please save all work or it will be lost.
Then the computer shuts down.
I have just stated using WINDOWS XP it was very hard to load took about 6 tries to get the system up and running.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi John,

It's a virus called blaster or lovesan. Information:

You need the patch described here to protect against it:

MS03-039: A Buffer Overrun in RPCSS Could Allow an Attacker to Run Malicious

Problem is, you needed to install the patch BEFORE you got infected to avoid

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

John said:
After i have been on the internet for about two mins. my computer shts down with the message.
NT AUTHORITY\ SYSTEM is closing down please save all work or it will be lost.
Then the computer shuts down.
I have just stated using WINDOWS XP it was very hard to load took about 6
tries to get the system up and running.

Marc Reynolds [MSFT]

It appears your computer has been infected with the Blaster virus. For more

information and how to fix this please see these links:

Marc Reynolds
Microsoft Technical Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

John said:
After i have been on the internet for about two mins. my computer shts down with the message.
NT AUTHORITY\ SYSTEM is closing down please save all work or it will be lost.
Then the computer shuts down.
I have just stated using WINDOWS XP it was very hard to load took about 6
tries to get the system up and running.

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