ok my ocmputer keeps restarting constantly everytime. I suspect its my Graphics card but its a very good card and shouldnt have this sort of problem. Its been happening ever since i got a driver update for it.Now i followed the instructions to roll back my driver if it was causeing the problem.unfortunately thats not the problem.Then i went directly to the manufacturers site and got the update driver from them to see if that would work.no luck.Then soon after I got a Blue Screen of Death that said: KERNAL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR.It also had a code for it that was: 0x00000077(0x00000000,0x8295C020,0x00000000,0xB696CCBC). Thats what was on the screen. Now my computer only restarts whenever I play one of my really high graphics games and what stumps me is that I have it at Low graphics performance so I dont think the card can heat up that fast.My computer will restart while im playing thegame for about maybe 10 minutes and I have 2 extra fans in my computer to keep it cool. So thats the info and if someone can help I would be really really thankful.