computer restarts after "remote procedure call service terminated unexpectedly"



I just installed a new hard drive. My internet is up and
running but I get a message that says "remote procedure
call system terminated unexpectedly" then a count down of
one minute begins and my computer restarts. What can I do
to resolve this problem?


-----Original Message-----
I just installed a new hard drive. My internet is up and
running but I get a message that says "remote procedure
call system terminated unexpectedly" then a count down of
one minute begins and my computer restarts. What can I do
to resolve this problem?

You have the blaster virus and i can help you contact me
on man messenger "(e-mail address removed)" i can walk you
through the steps :)
i just got done getting rid of this virus on my computer
so i know all the steps and even have the sofware.


I have the same problem. If you find a solution, please contact me

----- Fernando wrote: ----

I just installed a new hard drive. My internet is up and
running but I get a message that says "remote procedure
call system terminated unexpectedly" then a count down of
one minute begins and my computer restarts. What can I do
to resolve this problem


Oh sorry about the typos. i ment to say i just got done
getting rid of the blaster virus on my computer. and i
ment msn messenger not man messenger:\

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