Recently My computer received so auto updates that required the computer to
be restarted after installation. After I completed my work a shut down the
computer same as I normally do. When I started my computer again I received a
drop down message stating the computer needed to be restarted with a question
Yes or No. I clicked yes and when the computer came back up I got the same
drop down message. I then clicked no and drop down went away and I went on
with my work. I have to go through the every time I start my computer. All my
diagnostic checks etc. say I have no problems but the drop down is still
there. How do I make it go away. I am running windows xp and installed office
suite 2007 on Nov 6, This problem started occurring 2 weeks later. Thanks.
be restarted after installation. After I completed my work a shut down the
computer same as I normally do. When I started my computer again I received a
drop down message stating the computer needed to be restarted with a question
Yes or No. I clicked yes and when the computer came back up I got the same
drop down message. I then clicked no and drop down went away and I went on
with my work. I have to go through the every time I start my computer. All my
diagnostic checks etc. say I have no problems but the drop down is still
there. How do I make it go away. I am running windows xp and installed office
suite 2007 on Nov 6, This problem started occurring 2 weeks later. Thanks.