Computer Problems_HELP!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter James
  • Start date Start date


iM having computer problems< can someone help me? i put the caps lock
on(like now) and it types inlower case letters I PUT IT OFF(LIKE NOW)
AND IT TYPES IN UPPER CASE LETTERS and i can~t type aposterphes either
and when i search and click a page i want to view<when i try my
backspace to back our of the page it wont do anything can these
problems be fixed?

iM having computer problems< can someone help me? i put the caps lock
on(like now) and it types inlower case letters I PUT IT OFF(LIKE NOW)
and when i search the internet if i want to enter a page when i use
the backspace to back out of the site it does not work> i am using a
dell latitude with !)*) ram and ie>my numbers on the keyboard dont
work either>

iM having computer problems< can someone help me? i put the caps lock
on(like now) and it types inlower case letters I PUT IT OFF(LIKE NOW)
AND IT TYPES IN UPPER CASE LETTERS and i can~t type aposterphes either
and when i search and click a page i want to view<when i try my
backspace to back our of the page it wont do anything can these
problems be fixed?

Start by trying a different keyboard. You need to localize
whether the problem is in
--- keyboard
-- operating system (software)
-- PC (hardware.)
If you still have the same problem even with a different keyboard then you
might check the Accessibility settings. Click Start - Control Panel - open
Accessibility Options and uncheck options like "Sticky Key" or "Filter Key".

Hope this help, let us know!
James said:
iM having computer problems< can someone help me? i put the caps lock
on(like now) and it types inlower case letters I PUT IT OFF(LIKE NOW)
AND IT TYPES IN UPPER CASE LETTERS and i can~t type aposterphes either
and when i search and click a page i want to view<when i try my
backspace to back our of the page it wont do anything can these
problems be fixed?


Try tapping each of the SHIFT keys. Sounds like one of them is stuck on. I
have had this happen to me before with other keys like the ALT and the CTRL
keys. Sometimes Windows doesn't "see" that you have let them go, and by
pressing them and releasing them it corrects the issue. Another strange
fact of life.