I welcome any help in how to change the computer to open up at the Welcome
screen that displays ALL users rather than automatically open up into
Computer Administrator account. I am no compter wizz so simple step by step
answers are appreciated.
I am the main user and aware that that is also the compter administrator but
i have opened up another account with my name and password protected and wish
to access this account straight off rather than first having to log out of
the other one. Comp admin account also says it is password protected but i
can't remember that password anymore if i even need to.
I have tried solving this one on my own through going through Control panel
and reading up on User Accounts info but i am truely stumped...pls help!
I welcome any help in how to change the computer to open up at the Welcome
screen that displays ALL users rather than automatically open up into
Computer Administrator account. I am no compter wizz so simple step by step
answers are appreciated.
I am the main user and aware that that is also the compter administrator but
i have opened up another account with my name and password protected and wish
to access this account straight off rather than first having to log out of
the other one. Comp admin account also says it is password protected but i
can't remember that password anymore if i even need to.
I have tried solving this one on my own through going through Control panel
and reading up on User Accounts info but i am truely stumped...pls help!