computer opens loads of programs when i turn it on

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ste Glossop
  • Start date Start date

Ste Glossop

can someone please help me, when i switch my computer on
it takes me about 2 minutes to get me onto my profile
page, then once clicking on that i have to wait another 2
minutes because such folders as 'system 32' open up and i
dont know how to stop that or even how iv activated that.
can someone please help
The OS is composed of several executables and DLLs that must each run and
initialize. During that process the system is checked for integrity. The OS
loads device drivers and services needed for each state of boot, and those
services and drivers are nearly all contained in the System32 folder.
Overall the system loads many megabytes from the time you move "Off" to
"On". You "activated" because you have a system with Windows on it and all
that stuff in "system32" is Windows. How can you stop it? ... go back to

Having come from the glory days of computers where an IPL could take hours
and involve changing many many tapes, be thankful it only takes 4 minutes.
Oh ... for the children on the block, IPL stands for Initial Program Load.