Mexplorer1906 said:
How long can I keep the computer on before it melts down, frys down,
breaks down, runs out of memory, runs out of ram, etc.?
I think you should ask yourself how long *should* you keep it on.
Do you mean how long it can be left powered on, or left before a reboot?
Is it good for the computer if I keep it on from this moment on until
I necessarily have to disconnect it from the wall? Is it better to
turn it off after every use?
If it is a general purpose machine on the Internet, I would suggest not
too long before you reboot it. A week or so perhaps. You should be
patching it pretty often and security patches often need reboots.
As you can see, my web server (a SPARC running Solaris) has been 'up' 74
days. That is since its last reboot. I doubt it has been powered off for
a couple of years.
main-webserver # uptime
2:50pm up 74 day(s), 16:09, 2 users, load average: 1.02, 0.34, 0.25
But I should perhaps check if any patches have been released which have
significant security implications. If a security patch has been released
for the kernel (core bit of the OS if you like), then it would be wise
to install it and reboot.
I've seen machine running more than two years without a reboot, but I am
not sure it is wish, even on a UNIX system. For Windoze, definately not.
Dave K MCSE.
MCSE = Minefield Consultant and Solitaire Expert.
Please note my email address changes periodically to avoid spam.
It is always of the form: month-year@domain. Hitting reply will work
for a couple of months only. Later set it manually.