computer nameing convention

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I am looking for some ideas on nameing my workstations in my company. This
is going to be a deployment of 600 workstation in one building. Any
Not really a suggestion for the naming convention as such, but you could try
and answer some questions for your situation, questions like:
-does the name have to be significant at all to begin with?
-does the name have to have a relation to the main function of the
particular machine?
-does the name have to be tied in to the location the machine is at?
(building, floor, room, etc.)
-does the name have to reflect some other important piece of information?
-could we live with the asset id as the machine name?
-do we feel it is important for our users that their machine names are
'pronouncable' (look *pretty*)
-would it be helpfull for support if a certain naming structure is used?
(depends on the way you plan to do (remote) support)
-does the name have to have a relationship to....????
Answers to those type of questions will certainly bring you to think of a
naming convention that works *for you*