Changing Registered Owner does nothing for the computer name. Registered
owner is *nice* if you are adament of having yourself listed ni the Help
About boxes of installed programs.
To change the computer name My Computer, Properties, Computer Name tab,
Change button
A username can easily be renamed: run control userpasswords2, advanced tab,
advanced button, double-click Users, right-select the username to be
renamed, Rename
Like bruce said, this *won't* rename your Documents and Settings profile
directory, so your <new username> profile will still be in the Default
folder of D&S.
Go to Start, Run, type REGEDIT and hit Enter,
Click Hkey_Local_Machine,
Windows NT
Then highlite Current Version,
In the right side, double click RegisteredOwner,
Type in your Name,
Click OK.
Click File and Exit at the Top
Sammy said:
When I bought the computer, the store set my computer name up as
"default", so now all of my programs say "welcome, default" and even
default comes up as my sign in name when i log on to the computer in the
classic log on way. How do i change that?