Computer is rebooting at different invervals unexpectedly...



I desperately need help!!! About a week ago, I installed XP Service Pack 2
with no problems during intallation. Then a few days ago, I was on the
computer for about 5 minutes, and it rebooted unexpectedly. The odd thing is,
there is no spyware or virus that we can find (we use Norton AntiVirus and
keep it updated constantly), and the intervals between boots are all over the
place. Sometimes they are as little as 3 minutes apart, and sometimes they
are as large as 15 minutes apart.

What could be causing this, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, how the hell can I fix

Thanks for your help!!

Will Denny


If you don't see any error messages, right click on My Computer, select
Properties and then the Advanced tab. Click on Settings under Startup and
Recovery and disable 'Automatically restart'. Next time your PC reboots,
you should see a Blue Screen. Could you please post the Stop Code that
accompanies that BSOD back here? With that your problem could be isolated.

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