Can someone please help..I uninstalled WinAntiVirus 2007 and WinAntiSpy 2007
because someone told me that they were not good softwares that they were
trojans. I was having problems so I thought they were correct.
Now, i can't install nor download anything. I tried reinstalling Windows XP
Pro and it would not install alot of files..I have the CD..I tried installing
or downloading Windows Defenders, Window Live Onecare, etc and they won't
install. I tried installing Windows Installer 3.1 and that seemed to install.
I think...
I keep getting pop ups SmartBridge Alerts: Motive SB.exe -Get Process Inage
File Name W. Another one is TwainTRackerWindow: Apdroxy.exe unable to locate
component. Also something like JPEGAPI.DLL not found..I am not a computer
wizard as you can tell but can someone help me?
thank you in advance, hope someone can help this oldie.
because someone told me that they were not good softwares that they were
trojans. I was having problems so I thought they were correct.
Now, i can't install nor download anything. I tried reinstalling Windows XP
Pro and it would not install alot of files..I have the CD..I tried installing
or downloading Windows Defenders, Window Live Onecare, etc and they won't
install. I tried installing Windows Installer 3.1 and that seemed to install.
I think...
I keep getting pop ups SmartBridge Alerts: Motive SB.exe -Get Process Inage
File Name W. Another one is TwainTRackerWindow: Apdroxy.exe unable to locate
component. Also something like JPEGAPI.DLL not found..I am not a computer
wizard as you can tell but can someone help me?
thank you in advance, hope someone can help this oldie.