My computer hangs for about 1 minute between the welcome
screen and a user desktop in XP. Any thoughts
screen and a user desktop in XP. Any thoughts
My computer hangs for about 1 minute between the welcome
screen and a user desktop in XP. Any thoughts
Works, including the Anti-virus programs. It didn't when-----Original Message-----
My computer hangs for about 1 minute between the welcome
screen and a user desktop in XP. Any thoughts
mine does that now, after i installed Norton System
remove the ethernet cable from your Pc or modem and time-----Original Message-----
I don't know if this is it, but on mine, though the desktop has
appeared, it takes quite while to finish all the housekeeping,
installing things on the taskbar, etc. Much of the time delay seems to
be with norton anitvirus, which is spending time going to the Norton web
site to see if there are updates available, and several other of the
programs that are being loaded to the taskbar, also seem to be checking
for updates each time their loaded. Perhaps that's part of what's
happening to you? If you use a dialup connection, of course, that's not
likely. but cable or DSL, you might not notice it occuring...
If you are using DSL Like my self before starting