Windows XP computer freezes after chkdsk is finished.

Jan 13, 2010
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I am having a problem with chkdsk. It runs just fine, then I get a screen that says:

checking file system on c:
the type of the file system is NTFS
the volume is clean.
windows has finished checking the disk.

then nothing. I can't do anything, cant get out of that screen. I finally tried turning off the power and rebooting using last known configuration and I got a blank screen. Then I tried safe mode and a bunch of junk scrolled down the screen and it froze again. Tried to start normally and just runs the chkdsk again. helpConfiguration: Windows XP
Firefox 3.5.7
Just checking - was this when you loaded CHKDSK from within Windows or when it starts up before Windows loads?
I tried to run the chkdsk from within windows, but it said it needed to restart first. It shut down ran the program, and then the problem occurred.
Thats what it does. The 'Junk' is the windows configuration files and drivers it needs to load to part boot your system.

Leave it running for 10mins or so before rebooting

If nothing happens still after that period of time look at your hard drive access LED on tower to see if it's flashing which means access is occuring.

Out of curiosity did you specify any specific command for chkdsk to run?
Thank you triplexdread, I did not specify anything, I went to my computer options to do a defrag and saw the chkdsk option and chose it. Kinda wish I hadn't.
Ok, I rebooted using safe mode, the junk came up and I waited until led lights stopped flashing and still nothing. It just sits there. Thanks for the link muckshifter, but it was not helpful for the problem I am having.
You either have a borked CHKDSK, or a borked hard drive ... :)

go get the drive manufactures diagnostic tools, or go get "the ultimate boot disk" and make sure the drive is healthy by running the tests.

Then if the hard drive passes the physical tests, then from Safe Mode:

Start / Run / cmd [enter]

fsutil dirty query c: (or the relevant drive letter) [enter]

This will tell you whether the drive is dirty or not. Then still in cmd:

chkntfs /x c: (or the relevant drive letter) [enter]

This tells Windows not to check that drive on bootup. Reboot and it should hopefully go to the Desktop. Once Windows has loaded, run cmd again and:

chkdsk /f /r c: (or the relevant drive letter) [enter]

Chkdsk will run through all 5 stages. WAIT. After it is finished, still in cmd:

fsutil dirty query c: (or the relevant drive letter) [enter]

to see that the dirty bit is not set on that drive

never run CHKDSK again, it's a DOS program, turn on SMART in the BIOS
I can't even get the computer to boot up. If I try last known good config, I get a black screen. If I try safe mode, the junk comes up on the screen, but it never goes to desktop. All that junk just stays on the screen and I can't do anything. The most wonderful thing about this is I wasn't even having a real problem when I ran the chkdsk. I was going to do my weekly defrag when my son saw the chkdsk and said "why don't you run that mom, if we have any problems it will fix it". Famous last words.