Connie said:
I'm trying to install a Nissan Software which has 4 cd's (I'm woking in an
Automotive Dealer company) After inserting the first disc, it asks for the
second. After i insert the second CD, the computer freezes & i cant do
anything. Even the keyboard & mouse is locked. Its Winxp sp2.
Where could be the problem be???
Pls advice,
This site has a testing tool of sorts.
I downloaded this file.
Unzip the file, and the DiscSpeed.exe program is ready to
go. It is 3,276,800 bytes in size. Double click NeroDiscSpeec
and a window should open.
The program has five options.
Benchmark, Create Disc, Disc Info, Disc Quality, ScanDisc
Disc Quality and ScanDisc are the two functions we're interested
in. Disc Quality uses low level error detection, to give some
idea as to whether the CD drive is having trouble reading the
disc you've inserted. Now, my drive is not a burner, and I
suspect the necessary error detection interface is not present
on my drive. So I cannot use the test. (The start button is grayed
out.) If your drive is a burner, there is a chance this test will work.
The other test is ScanDisc, which basically gives an indication
if the disc is really bad. ScanDisc should work with any reader,
but is not using a low level error indication. As far as I know,
all the error recovery functions will be applied to a sector, when
ScanDisc attempts to read it, so a disc could be pretty bad and
still be readable. So ScanDisc isn't as "sensitive" a test. If
any sectors are not marked with a green square, then the disc is
probably bad.
But in your case, you say the computer freezes when that disc is
inserted. It is likely a badly prepared disc. It may turn out,
that you cannot even run ScanDisc, as it will only run if a
CD is recognized as being inserted in the drive. I have a
"bad" CD handy, and it wasn't even recognized. So no opportunity
to test how well it handles a bad disc, at least here.
In any case, that is the basic idea. There may be other tools
around that do something similar. You could try testing the
first CD, as it works, and chances are the sectors on that
disc will all be "green" when you scandisc them.
Don't use "Create Disc", because the discs you have may be
rewritable, and you don't want to rewrite them.