Computer dead help needed please


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Normally, the PCs run 24/7, but we had to go out for a while this afternoon, so I closed them down.

When we returned, my first task was to start up the rigs again, but mine is completely dead. :eek:

I am currently using Terry's - they both receive power from the same source (meaning a surge protector block.) I checked the most obvious thing - the plug fuse - but it is not that.

I have looked inside for anything "obvious" but cannot say that I can see anything (but not surprising because I don't actually know what I'm looking for... other than a dangling or wobbly connector.) I had a clean up whilst in there, have to admit there was a layer of dust :o)

What would you recommend I check or do please? All was working fine before the shut-down.

Thank you for reading :D

AMD Athlon 64 x 2, 5200+ (2.6GHz)
Socket AM2, Asus M2N SLI DeLuxe Dual DDR2 S-ATA II
Corsair XMS 800MHz (2 x 1 GB) 400 GB Serial ATA II
256 MB NVidia GEForce 7900 GS Vista Home Premium
Hi Itsme, no, everything is completely dead, I still have the side off and have tried switching on, but absolutely nothing happens :(

Edited by Quodophile to make the text bigger!
Try this if you can try you [Kettle] lead from the working one if that works I will know that your PSU is ok if not your PSU is most likely to be the problem.

Make sure you power down first.
Taffycat said:
Hi Itsme, no, everything is completely dead, I still have the side off and have tried switching on, but absolutely nothing happens :(

Big writing please Taffy, us blind ones are struggling...So nothing come on. not even a PSU fan ? Do you have a spare PSU you could swap out with the one in your machine ? That would be my first port of call after checking the power lead...
Oh-oh..... looks like Itsme is right :( it is all dead as the proverbial dodo.

Madx, no I don't have a spare PSU... how difficult are they to replace? I've never done that and can see a whole loom of wires coming out from there...

Sorry about the text size - on this PC it looks huge! I don't often use it... hope this is better?
Make sure you get the correct PSU and we will help you install it?
Taffycat said:

Madx, no I don't have a spare PSU... how difficult are they to replace? I.


Piece of p*ss really to replace one, just make not of what cable goes where when you are removing the defunct PSU. Once you have unseated the cables to drives, Mobo etc its pretty much undoing the screws holding it into the case, swap it out and reconect. I don't know whatcase you are using, but for me to remove my PSU it would mean removing the CPU cooler..All a bit of a tight squeeze in mine. No worries about the text, was fine once I put me bins on...
Just to give you an idea - I took this pic of the innards just after buying it;) PSU is 450W.

As explained by the resident experts the PSU is not that difficult to replace, especially for a lady who knows how to replace Brake Pads on her car :D
Quadophile said:
As explained by the resident experts the PSU is not that difficult to replace, especially for a lady who knows how to replace Brake Pads on her car :D

Ah, but brake pads don't have a myriad of wires to muddle-up!! Or they didn't in the days when I used to "play" with 'em :lol:

I appreciate all the help and encouragement Itsme, Madx and Quad, thank you.:thumb:

I'm just being a bit of a wuss because I'm lacking confidence right now and worrying because my address book is inaccessible... guess who forgot to back it up :rolleyes:
Taffycat said:
Ah, but brake pads don't have a myriad of wires to muddle-up!!

When last did you change a set of pads on an R32 then ?

You'll be fine, no need for wussyness and your Add book will be there all in tact..Posiitive thinking...:thumb:
itsme said:
I were going to ask you for a photo:nod: Anyway it is straight forward when you have the PSU I will talk you through it:nod: send me email when you have it:user:
I have hospital tomorrow but will be home by 2 pm ish:)

Many thanks to you :) we have medical appointments tomorrow too, one for Terry and another with the Vet! Hope yours will go well, we shall be thinking of you :thumb:
Regarding the replacement PCU - do I need to replace "like-with-like" and buy exactly the same model?

I have been reading various articles, which suggest it would also be okay to up-grade the component with a PCU of higher wattage (I understand that the PC will only draw the power that it needs, regardless of wattage, but is it true that a higher powered PCU might be more efficient and quieter, as my readings suggest?)

Also, and I am sorry if this sounds naive, but, how can I establish whether the replacement has the same number of leads (for two optical drives, USBs, and what-not) as are currently installed?

If the new replacement lacks sufficient leads, I understand that one can "add more(?)" but, how easy is that for someone who has not delved into the actual PSU before?

As I said, apologies for needing to ask, but it is helpful to get an understanding before I narrow down my search and buy something. :o

Thanks again :wave:

(This text still looks horribly large! Lol)
... you can have pink, if they did them in pink, but no, you do NOT need to buy the same brand/like-for-like ... you need a better PSU than what you had.

Heck, you could go to PCWorld even, just don't buy a PC from them 'cos they is crap (contravening forum rules, I can, I wrote them) and get a nice new Indy 500 ... well a 500 something or other.

Yellow is nice. :nod:

oh, and the four screws that hold the PSU in place will insure you have it the right-way-round, one is offset can only fit PSU one-way ... unless you have a plate, like mine, that you can turn around ... not that it matters one iota. ;)

Just make sure you get one that has the right connectors as you need, most new GOOD ones will ...

in a store near you ... err, don't buy the £11 one, maybe 45/50 squids?.


I'm off to play Aion now ...
Thank you Mucks - the bit that has been puzzling me is that the circular air thingy (that looks like an electric hob) is facing downwards currently. Some of the ones pictured are the other way up, so guessing that I shouldn't plump for one of those, otherwise the warm air will be hitting the top of the tower... have I interpreted correctly? Otherwise, I think I "get it" now :)

Been looking for an excuse to prowl around our new Novatech in Cardiff... woo hoo!!

Hope you're enjoying Aion :thumb: