Hold on. If you configure some settings on the user configuration section
and it works on the computer then there is a problem! I think that you mean
that you have configured some user settings in a GPO that is linked to an OU
in which there are some user account objects and when those particular users
log on to these computers the GPO ( the user settings part ) works.
You never really answered all of my questions, though. Well, at least not
directly. I am going to infer that since the user configuration settings
work that DNS is set up correctly and that all of your WIN2000 Pro systems
are pointing only to your internal DNS Server(s). However, it looks like
you are assuming as well. You could simply do an 'ipconfig /all' from the
command prompt at some of the problem PCs and verify that the DNS Server
information is correct.
Also, what T/S steps have you taken, if any? Have you installed GPOTOOLS?
Also, since you do not mention what the GPO settings are ( could be a lot of
things ) do the computer account objects have both Share and NTFS
permissions ( should you be attempting to deploy software via GPO to the
computer configuration side of things ) and know that you can only assign
Software to the computer configuration side of things ( whereas you can
either assign or publish software for deployment to the user configuration
side of things ).