Jyeshta said:
This is a new computer so I can't believe the battery needs replacing.
It's not terribly likely, but even new batteries can be bad. I wouldn't
necessarily rule that possibility out.
How much time does the clock lose? Before anyone whose clock is running slow
rushes out to buy a new battery, he should first take note of whether he is
losing time while the computer is running or while it's powered off. If it's
while powered off, the problem *is* very likely the battery. But if it's
while running, it can *not* be the battery, because the battery isn't used
while the computer is running.
If the clock loses time while running, try this:
Open a command prompt window (Start | Run | cmd) and enter the following
net stop w32time
w32tm /unregister
w32tm /register
net start w32time
Is there any sort of atomic clock on the internet to which I can
connect my computer?
Yes, there are many, and Windows automatically synchs to one once a week.
You can change the interval to do it more frequently, or you can use one of
the third-party clock programs, like the freeware TClock, which does this
and several other useful things.