Josh said:
Where can I find it to explore? What a,m I looking for in Computer
Management under storage?
I'm assuming that your D: drive is another HDD, not merely a second
partition on your boot HDD. That's right, isn't it?
Access the XP Disk Management utility by Start > right-click My Computer >
Manage > Computer Management > Disk Management.
Hopefully your secondary HDD, your D: drive, will be listed but perhaps it
doesn't have a drive letter assigned to it. If that's the case you will need
to assign a drive letter by right-clicking on its listing and assigning a
drive letter through the sub-menu option.
If, however, the HDD is not listed in Disk Management, access your
motherboard's BIOS upon bootup to determine if that HDD is detected by the
BIOS. I assume you know how to do this.
Check the connections (power & data cables) between the HDD and its IDE
connector to ensure they're secure and properly connected. I'm assuming it's
correctly jumpered since you haven't made any changes between the time it
was working and this problem arose, right?
In any event, disconnect that secondary HDD and boot only with your boot
drive connected. Shut down the machine and reconnect the secondary HDD and
give it another try.
If still no go, you may be dealing with a defective HDD. Download the HDD
diagnostic utility from the manufacturer of the HDD and test it out. (If,
however, the disk isn't detected in the BIOS it's likely the disk is
defective and will not be seen by the diagnostic utility).
Is there another machine available to you where you could install that HDD?