Computer after installing SP4


Arthur Lobo

Hi all:

I installed SP4 over the previous SP2 installation
and now my computer reboots continuously after coming
up to the login prompt. I did not archive the previous
SP2 installation files while installing SP4. I was
wondering if anyone had a fix for this.

I can bring up the computer in Safe mode with networking.


Arthur Lobo
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Texas at Dallas
(e-mail address removed)

Type R Racer

Same thing as I'm getting. I briefly see the BSoD with an
error 0x00000050 NONPAGED BLAH BLAH BLAH. Some Fix.


Hi Arthur

If you manage to boot in Safe Mode somehow, try to delete and to re-install
your VGA Driver.
It you cannot even start in Safe Mode and haven't archived the Service Pack
Files, an InPlace Upgrade of Windows 2000 might be the only solution:

- "How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade of Windows 2000":;en-us;292175

Hope this helps. Regards,


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